The animation series Flowbows is a continuous project I started in 2015. Initially inspired by the color-range of rainbows, I increased the range by time, just as the animation style. The basis of each animation usually is a simple geometric shape or line or some more complex but still simple vector graphic.
What they all have in common is that they are infinite. Even if the animations are only two or three seconds long at times, they seem to last much longer — the art of seamless looping.
Flowbows are my part-time art project. I am creating those animations with several intentions: first of all the fun of making a lot out of little, but also to reinvent myself in different design fields, to experiment, to find unconventional ways of execution and last but not least to sharpen my view for the behaviour and movement of objects increasingly.
First on Tumblr, I later transferred the project to Instagram where I already got several features from e.g. buck.u.back, Motion Graphics Collective and 36daysoftype.
I hope you enjoy the colors and forms, the flow just as the infinity, which, in some cases, act hypnotic.
Here are some of my favourites from Instagram and also some earlier animations as gifs.

Animation, Graphic Design, free project, design experiments
Animation, Graphic Design, free project, design experiments